Egro' Producers — Pasta sauces

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pasta Pasta sauces puglia

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LISTEN OUR PODCAST   ORIGIN AND TRACEABILITY Country/Region Italy/Puglia Certifications Natural agriculture Products Pasta sauces, Jam, Under oil veggie   THE FARM/THE PRODUCER What guides and inspires us every day in our work is the immense love for this land, Salento, and the extraordinary products it generously gives us.A warm strip of Italy, washed by two seas and kissed by the sun all year round, optimal climatic conditions for agricultural production of absolute quality and authenticity.The traditional processing carried out by expert hands and the subsequent packaging without preservatives, just like our grandmothers did at home, allows us to preserve...

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Calemone Torre Guaceto

pasta Pasta sauces puglia Slow Food

Calemone Torre Guaceto

LISTEN OUR PODCAST   ORIGIN AND TRACEABILITY Country/Region Italy/Puglia Certifications Organic, Slow food protection Products Tomato Sauces   THE FARM/THE PRODUCER  THE RECIPES(Coming soon)

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